Learning to Live a Simple Life
Good morning, friends I hope this post finds you all well, and enjoying all the blessings God has given you. It’s been my desire for the past decade or so to live a simple, happy life. Sometimes, though, I tend to “complicate” what simple living really is. I always thought of a “simple life” as cows grazing, clothes drying on the line outside, freshly baked bread, and a home unattached to the world via internet or tv. While that is mostly my dream, I’ve learned that any life can be a “simple life”. Whether you live in a 500 square foot apartment in the biggest, busiest city, a rambling ranch in the suburbs, or an old crooked farmhouse nestled in the mountains, life can be simple and sweet.

My favorite Bible verse has always been 1 Thessalonians 4:11. It says, “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;” Basically, live a quiet life, and work with your hands, all while minding your own business. GUYS….THAT is simple living summed up in one little verse.
There are things you can do to make life simple regardless of your location or circumstance. You really don’t need to live on a farm, and ditch all modern conveniences…Unless you’re like me and secretly want to. 😉 I’ve come up with a list of a few things you can do RIGHT NOW to make your life more simple.
- Don’t spend money on things you don’t really need.
- Avoid debt.
- De-clutter
- Purge your closet, and donate unwanted items to a woman’s shelter, or homeless shelter.
- Start a garden, even if it’s a few tiny pots.
- Avoid drama
- Start each day with gratitude
- Ditch cable, and read a book
- Don’t “overbook” your life
- Limit your time on social media
- Eat at home
- Take time to “be quiet”
I hope that this little list has helped inspire you to pursue a quiet, simple life. There’s so much noise in the world right now, I believe it is especially important to focus on the good things God has done, and to slow down enough to appreciate the life He has given us.
Thank you all so much for spending a little bit of your day with me!