Three Simple Words That Changed my Perspective on Homemaking
Sometimes all it takes to go from seeing homemaking as a burden to a blessing is three simple words. Today I’m sharing how I changed my perspective on homemaking, and how you can too.

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom, aka a homemaker, for the last 18 years. While the majority of the time I am incredibly thankful for the ability to stay home, there have been times of resentment, and even a little bit of bitterness. The world tells us to be valuable we must be successful. It doesn’t equate success as home cooked meals, or happy kids. It equates success as working our way up the corporate ladder, buying the fanciest things we can, and many times, leaving our families behind to focus on making more money. Essentially, the exact opposite of how I’ve lived the last 18 years of my life. I’ve learned to change my focus and add these three simple words to how I view my tasks and my purpose in life.

I used to see these “boss babes”, as society has recently termed them, and be a little jealous. Perfectly manicured nails, gorgeous hair, flawless makeup, and a career where they were respected among their peers. Suddenly, the pile of dirty clothes, the crying baby, and the dirty floors didn’t look like a blessing. They looked a whole lot like a burden.

Then one day, when my oldest was small, the Lord really burdened my heart about my attitude towards my home. Before he was born, it was my greatest desire to be a stay-at-home mom. It’s all I ever wanted. I wanted to cook and clean for my family. I wanted to be present for all the firsts. It’s why I quit my career when I found out I was expecting.

The Lord really dealt with me about saying “I have to.”. I have to do the dishes; I have to wash this shirt…again. I have to vacuum; I have to cook.
The Three Simple Words
Instead of focusing on having to do a task, I simply chose to say I. Get. To. I don’t have to do any of those things. No one would die if I didn’t. Sure, they’d notice if the dishes never got washed, but instead of thinking “I have to” I now think “I get to!”. I get to wash the dishes; I get to do the laundry. Choosing to use these three simple words majorly impacted my attitude towards these tasks. They’re no longer a burden, but a blessing. I get to wash my son’s favorite shirt so he can wear it again. I get to make this nutritious meal so my daughter can continue to grow and be healthy.
Perhaps you’re struggling with your attitude in some aspect of life. Whether you are a homemaker, like me, you work full time, or you’re an empty nester, try changing your attitude towards the situation. Try rephrasing how you think of it. Choose to say I get to, over I have to, and watch it transform your life.
Perhaps you need a few ideas for falling in love with being home. I’ll share of a few posts to get you started.
- How We Make Home a Priority
- 20 Screen Free Activities for Kids!
- How To Cook More Meals From Scratch (Even when you don’t like to cook!)
As always thanks so much for spending a tiny part of your day with me!

Here’s an image to pin for later…